[DE-UBL] Vollers 814 - 4
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- Classmark
- Vollers 814 - 4
- Title
- [Astronomical treatise]
- Author
- unknown
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Vollers, p. 264, IV
- Link to collective manuscript
- ↳ in Ms.
- not given in the MS
- غير مذكزر
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- [Astronomical treatise]
- [رسالة في علم الفلك]
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- f. 61b begings with nine lines taken from an introduction to astronomy with the title
Muqaddima fī ʿilm al-falak. These are followed by another seven lines from another
work on stars. All these lines are written by one copyist. Directly following are
two paragraphs written by a second copyist. The text on ff. 61b-62a deals with the
implementation of a leap year every 12th year, since scholars do calculate the xears
according to the solar calendar, the months according to the lunar calendar. The leap
years are named after animals. This is illustrated in a circle with notes in three
languages, Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman-Turkish. ff. 62b-63a deal with the stars.
It canʾt be judged with certainty in how far all these text passages originally belong
together. The margins of f. 62a and f. 63b have collation notes of each of the copyists.
f. 64a:
باب في معرفة كسوف القمر
ff. 65a-74a:
اسماء الكواكب
f. 74b:
f. 75a:
اذا اردت ان تقلب منكبنا من الزوال; the entry has been written by Muṣṭafā الحرطاجى in the year 1081/1670-1671.
f. 75b:
جدول حدود قوس مقام روية العلال
- f. 61b begings with nine lines taken from an introduction to astronomy with the title
Muqaddima fī ʿilm al-falak. These are followed by another seven lines from another
work on stars. All these lines are written by one copyist. Directly following are
two paragraphs written by a second copyist. The text on ff. 61b-62a deals with the
implementation of a leap year every 12th year, since scholars do calculate the xears
according to the solar calendar, the months according to the lunar calendar. The leap
years are named after animals. This is illustrated in a circle with notes in three
languages, Arabic, Persian, and Ottoman-Turkish. ff. 62b-63a deal with the stars.
It canʾt be judged with certainty in how far all these text passages originally belong
together. The margins of f. 62a and f. 63b have collation notes of each of the copyists.
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Beginning
- f. 61b:
مقدمة فى علم الفلك اعلم ان علم الفلك صناعة نظرية ينظر منه في حركات الاحرام العلوية ... بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله العليم العلام العزيز الذي لا يرام كاشف علم النجوم والاحكام للنبي ادريس عليه السلام ... وبعد فاعلم انها الاخ العزيز واللهف الحريز ان للحكما خطا وختن وترك ومغلول والغور قاعدة وحسابا وتاريخا وذلك ان سنينهم شمسية وشهورهم قمرية فكل اثنى عشرة سنة عندهم دورا واحدا
- f. 61b:
- End of the text
- f. 63b:
فلا يبقي موضع مكشوف موازلها الا واخذ منها خطه وتميل مرة الي الجنوب ومرة الي الشمال لتعم فايدتها والله تعالي اعلم بالصواب تمت
- f. 63b:
- Author
- ↳ authorized heading
- unknown
- ↳ established short form
- unknown
- Record type
- Collective manuscript
- 4/10
- Binding
- Dark brown Oriental Oriental leather binding with fore-edge flap and envelope flap; envelope flap renewed with red leather; central ornament of the covers: octagon with lobed perimeter and an infill of floral scrolls; towards the tip of the envelope flap a small mandorla with lobed perimeter and an infill of leaf scrolls; doublures of the covers and the envelope flap of paper; doublure of the fore-edge flap of leather
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- ↳ Watermarks
- Tre lune
Anchor in a circle with trefoil above
Coat of arms
Countermark: two respectively three letters with rod in single outline and trefoil above: ?-?, R-A
- Tre lune
- Number of folios
- ff. 61b-63b
- Dimensions
- 20 x 9.5 cm
- Text area
- 17.4 x 8.5 cm
- Number of lines
- 34
- Catchwords
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Collection
- Project
- Classmark
- Vollers 814 - 4
- ↳ alternate
- old classmark : D.C. 118 - 04
- URN : urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-0004-8765
- Editor
- Wiesmueller, Brinkmann
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://mymssportal.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/DE15Book_manuscript_00015114
- MyCoRe ID
- DE15Book_manuscript_00015114 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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