[DE-SBB] Petermann I 694
- Classmark
- Petermann I 694
- Title
- [collective manuscript]
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Ahlwardt 1934,1; 1643; 7513 + 7512,6; 8292 + 8134,6 + 8101,6 + 8132,3 + 8101,1; 8292 (Trk.); 4118; 4118; 5781,1; 5781,1 (Trk.); 9367, 2
- Pertsch Türkisch 22
- Catalogue link
- Link to manuscript part
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 1: ʿAqīdat al-Shaybānī (Shaybānī, Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan ash-)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 2: [Anthology]
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 3: [Poems of edifying content] (Zayn al-ʿĀbidīn, ʿAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 4: [Poetry collection] (nicht gegeben)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 5: [Ethical work] (nicht gegeben)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 6: [About the gifts of grace of the Prophet] (nicht gegeben)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 7: al-Durar al-wifqīyah (Mawṣilī, Fatḥ Allāh ibn Maḥmūd al-)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 8: al-ʿIqd al-farīd li-al-Malik al-Saʿīd (ʿAdawī, Muḥammad ibn Ṭalḥah al-)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 9: Duʿâʾnâme (Ebüssuʿûd Efendi)
- [DE-SBB] Petermann I 694 - 10: al-Shamārīkh fī ʿilm al-taʾrīkh (Suyūṭī, Jalāl al-Dīn ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Abī Bakr al-)
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- [collective manuscript]
- [مجموعة]
- Region
- Language
- Script
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 1
- Collective manuscript
- 10 Teile
- Binding
- Pappband mit Lederrücken
- ↳ Material
- ↳ State of preservation
- etwas fleckig
- Number of folios
- 80
- Dimensions
- 21 x 16 cm
- ↳ Style
- Provenienz
- 1853-57
- Collection
- Classmark
- Petermann I 694
- Acessibility
- usage permitted
- Reproduction
- Type :
- Scan
Notes :- Digitalisat McGill II
- Editor
- mhr
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://mymssportal.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00021226
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00021226 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
- Send notes for this dataset