[DE-SBB] Minutoli 187 - 73
- Link to external image
- Classmark
- Minutoli 187 - 73
- Title
- [Commentary on al-Kāfiya fī al-naḥw]
- Author
- not given
- Collection
- Catalogue
- Pertsch Persisch 4,22
- Ahlwardt 6594,4
- Link to collective manuscript
- ↳ wie in Referenz
- [Commentary on al-Kāfiya fī al-naḥw]
- [شرح الكافية في النحو]
- Subject matter
- Region
- Content
- Persischer Kommentar zu al-Kāfīya fi 'n-naḥw von Ibn-al-Ḥāǧīb, ʿUṯmān Ibn-ʿUmar (570/1174-646/1249).
- Completeness
- Language
- Script
- Beginning
- الحمد لله الذي خلق الانسان وجعله اشرف مواليد الاركان
- Author
- ↳ authorized heading
- not given
- Author of the master text
- ↳ Name
- Record type
- Format
- Number of volumes
- 1
- Collective manuscript
- 73/113
- Boxing
- 41,3 x 30,4 x 13,2 cm (Nomi)
- Binding
- roter Lederband
- ↳ Material
- ↳ Colour
- Number of folios
- f. 606b-613a
f. 612b + 613a leer
- f. 606b-613a
- Dimensions
- 40 x 27 cm
- ↳ Style
- ↳ Ink
- Date
- ↳ copy
- 11 Šawwāl 1026/12 Oktober 1617
- Provenienz
- Collection
- Classmark
- Minutoli 187 - 73
- ↳ alternate
- PPN : 1733482423
- Acessibility
- usage permitted
- Reproduction
- Type :
- Scan
Notes :- Digitalisat DoD (09/20)
Type :- Mikrofilm
Notes :- Hs or sim 07173
Type :- Mikrofiche black/white
Notes :- Fiches 29
- Editor
- Dehghani
- status of edit
- First input complete
- Static URL
- https://mymssportal.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/DE1Book_manuscript_00061396
- MyCoRe ID
- DE1Book_manuscript_00061396 (XML view)
- Export
- Metadata license
- CC0 1.0
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