- Lebensdaten
- * 17. Jh
- Werke
- Verfasser:in Vidvanmanorañjanī (Rāmatīrthayati)
- Handschriften
- Originalsprache
- रामतीर्थयति
- Weitere Namensformen
- Rāmatīrtha
- Rāmatīrtha Yati
- रामतीर्थ यति
- Yati, Rāmatīrtha
- यति, रामतीर्थ
- Rama-Krishna-Tirtha
- Rāmakrishna Tīrtha
- Geburtsdatum
- 17. Jh
- Geschlecht
- Geographischer Wirkungsbereich
- Indien
- Geographischer Wirkungsbereich
- GND: 4026722-2
- Literaturangaben
- Vedānta Sāra / Sadānanda Parivrājakāchāryya, with a commentary by Rāmakrishna Tīrtha,
The Maitri or Maitrāyaṇīya Upanishad / with the commentary of Rāmatīrtha ; edited with an English translation by E. B. Cowell, 1935
Cat. of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit books / National library, 1973 : Rāmatīrtha Yati
Encycl. of Indian philosophies / K. H. Potter, 1983, vol. 1, p. 387 : Rāmatīrtha (fl. 1610)
Lit. sanskrite / par L. Renou, 1946 (sous : Vedântasâra" : Râmatîrtha
- Vedānta Sāra / Sadānanda Parivrājakāchāryya, with a commentary by Rāmakrishna Tīrtha,
- bib. Referenz
- BnF Service indien, 2015-10-26
- Datenquelle
- lokaler Datensatz
- Identifizierer
- BNF: ark:/12148/cb131950375
- GND: 115087982
- Bemerkung
- Hinduist. Vedānta-Philosoph (Wirkungszeit um 1610)
Schüler von Kṛṣṇatīrtha
- Hinduist. Vedānta-Philosoph (Wirkungszeit um 1610)
- Bearbeiter
- BNF Import/kd
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- Ersteingabe komplett
- Statische URL
- https://mymssportal.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/MyMssPerson_agent_00016445
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssPerson_agent_00016445 (XML-Ansicht, Zugehörige Handschriften)
- Lizenz Metadata
CC0 1.0 Universell
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