Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-
- Lebensdaten
- * 1380 in Kaschan
(Identnummer GND: 4110031-1) - † 22.06.1429 in Samarkand
(Identnummer GND: 4051471-7) - Beruf(e)
- Mathematiker
- Arzt
- Mathematiker
- Astronom
(Identnummer GND: 4037945-0)
(Identnummer GND: 4003157-3)
(Identnummer GND: 4037945-0)
(Identnummer GND: 4003310-7) - Werke
- Handschriften
- Verfasser:in [DE-BSB] Cod. arab. 2697 - 9: Šarḥ-i ālāt-i raṣdīya (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-HUUB] I. 2: Miftāḥ al-ḥussāb fī ʿilm al-ḥisāb (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-HUUB] I. 15: Risāla fī istiḫrāǧ ǧaib daraǧa wāḥida bi-aʿmāl muʾassasa ʿalā qawāʿid hindisīya wa-ḥisābīya (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Hs. or. 4477: Miftāḥ fī l-ḥisāb (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Mss simulata orientalia 60: ar-Risāla al-muḥīṭīya (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Sprenger 1824 a: Miftāḥ al-ḥussāb fī ʿilm al-ḥisāb (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Verfasser:in [DE-SBB] Sprenger 1824 b - 1: Miftāḥ al-ḥussāb fī ʿilm al-ḥisāb (Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-)
- Weitere Namensformen
- Kaschi, Dschamschid Masʿud al-
- Dschamschid Masʿud al-Kaschi
- Ghiyath ad-Din Dschamschid bin Masʿud bin Muhammad al-Kaschi
- Kāsī, Gamsīd Ibn-Masūd al-
- Kāšī, Ǧamšid Ibn-Masʿud Ibn Maḥmūd al-
- Gamsīd Ibn-Masūd al-Kāsī
- Ǧamšēd Ibn-Masʿud al-Kāšī
- Gamsēd Ibn-Masūd al-Kāsī
- Al-Kashī
- Kāšī, Ġiyāṯaddīn Ǧamšid b. Masʿud al-
- Kāshī, Ghiyāthaddīn Djamshīd Ibn Masʿūd Ibn Maḥmūd al-
- Ibn-Masūd, Gamsīd al-Kāsī
- Kasi
- Kāshī, Ghiyāthaddīn Djamshīd Ibn Masūd Ibn Ma.hmūd al-
- Kāshī, Jamshīd ibn Masūd
- Kāsī, Gamsīd Ibn-Masūd Ibn Ma.hmūd al-
- Kāsī, ·Giyātaddīn Gamsid b. Masūd al-
- Al-Kāshī
- Gamsid Ibn-Masud al-Kasi
- Ghiyāt al-Dīn Jamshīd Mas'ūd al-Kāshī
- Kāshī, Ghiyāt al-Dīn Jamshīd Mas'ūd al
- al-Kāshī, Ghiyāt al Dīn Jamshīd Mas'ūd
- Jamshīd Mas'ūd al-Kāshī, Ghiyāt al-Dīn
- al-Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn Masʿūd al-
- Kāshī, Jamshīd Ibn Masʿūd
- Kasi, Gamsid Ibn-Masud al
- al-Kasi, Gamsid Ibn-Masud
- Jamshīd Ibn Masʿūd al Kāshānī
- al-Kāšānī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-
- al-Kāshānī, Jamshīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-
- al-Kāšī, Ġiyāṯ ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd al-
- al-Kāšānī, Ġiyāṯ ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd al-
- Kaši
- Kāshī, Jamshīd ibn Masʿūd
- Kāshī, Jamshīd Ghiyāth al-Dīn al-
- Kaschi, Dschamschid Ibn-Masūd Ibn-Mahmud al-
- Ibn-Masʿūd, Ǧamšīd al-Kāšī
- Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-Kāšī
- Kāšī, Ǧamšīd Ibn-Maḥmūd al-
- Ġiyāṯ-ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd
- Ġiyāṯ-ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd Ibn-Maḥmūd aṭ-Ṭabīb al-Kāšī
- Ǧamšīd, Ġiyāṯ-ad-Dīn
- Ǧamšēd Ibn-Masʿūd al-Kāšī
- Kāshī al-
- Ǧamšīd b. Masʿūd al-Kāši
- Kāšī, Ġiyāṯaddīn Ǧamšid b. Masʿūd al-
- Ġiyāṯ-ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd al-Kāšī
- Ġiyāṯ-ad-Dīn Ǧamšīd Ibn-Masʿūd al-Kāšī
- Kâşî, Giyasüddin
- Kâshî, Ghiyâth al Dîn
- Geburtsdatum
- 1380
- Geburtsort
- Kaschan
- Todesdatum
- 22.06.1429
- Sterbeort
- Samarkand
- Geschlecht
- Beruf(e)
- Mathematiker
- Arzt
- Mathematiker
- Astronom
- Beruf (ID)
- Literaturangaben
- http://www.jphogendijk.nl/arabsci/kashi.html
Saliba, George. 2012. “Kāši, Ḡiāṯ-Al-Din”. In Encyclopaedia Iranica, 64-67. New York: Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation, Inc.
Schmidl, Petra G. 2007. “Kāshī: Ghiyāth (Al‐Milla Wa‐) Al‐Dīn Jamshīd Ibn Masʿūd Ibn Maḥmūd Al‐Kāshī [Al‐Kāshānī] ”. In The Biographical Encyclopedia Of Astronomers, 613-15. New York: Springer.
İhsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin, and Boris Rozenfeld. 2003. Mathematicians, Astronomers And Other Scholars Of Islamic Civilisation And Their Works (7Th-19Th C.). Istanbul: Research Centre for Islamic History, Art, and Culture. Pp. 269-71 (no. 802).
Kennedy, Edward. 1998. On The Contents And Significance Of The Khāqānī Zīj By Jamshīd Ghiyāth Al-Dīn Al-Kāshī.. Islamic Mathematics And Astronomy. Frankfurt am Main: Institute for the History of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University.
Bagheri, Mohammad. 1997. “A Newly Found Letter Of Al-Kāshı̄ On Scientific Life In Samarkand”. Historia Mathematica 24 (3): 241-256.
Kennedy, Edward. 1985. “Spherical Astronomy In Kāshī's Khāqānī Zīj”. Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 2: 1-46.
Kennedy, Edward, David King, and Mary Kennedy. 1983. Studies In The Islamic Exact Sciences. Beirut: American University of Beirut.
Hamadanizadeh, Javad. 1980. “The Trigonometric Tables Of Al-Kāshī In His Zīj-I Khāqānī”. Historia Mathematica 7: 38-45.
Kennedy, Edward, and Marie-Thérèse Debarnot. 1979. “Al-Kāshī's Impractical Method Of Determining The Solar Altitude”. Journal For The History Of Arabic Science 3: 219-227.
On the methods for the determination of the ascendant in the fifth treatise of Kāshī's Zīj.
Youschkevitch, A. P., and B. A. Rosenfeld. 1973. “Al-Kāshī”. In Dictionary Of Scientific Biography, 7:255-62. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons.
Tichenor, Mark. 1967. “Late Medieval Two-Argument Tables For Planetary Longitudes”. Journal Of Near Eastern Studies 26: 126-128. Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 122-124.
Kennedy, Edward. 1964. “The Chinese-Uighur Calendar As Described In The Islamic Sources”. Isis 55 (4): 435-443. Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 652-660.
Kennedy, Edward, W. Henning, and Ehsan Yarshater. 1962. “A Medieval Interpolation Scheme Using Second Order Differences”. In A Locust's Leg: Studies In Honour Of S. H. Taqizadeh, 117-120. London: Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 522-525.
Kennedy, Edward. 1961. “Al-Kāshī's Treatise On Astronomical Observational Instruments”. Journal Of Near Eastern Studies 20 (2): 98-108. Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 394-404. A facsimile edition of Kāshī's Risāla dar sharḥ-i ālāt-i raṣd with translation and commentary.
Kennedy, Edward. 1960. The Planetary Equatorium Of Jamshīd Ghiyāth Al‐Dīn Al‐Kāshī (D. 1429): An Edition Of The Anonymous Persian Manuscript 75 <44B> In The Garett Collection At Princeton University; Being A Eescription Of Two Computing Instruments, The Plate Of Heaven. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Kennedy, Edward. 1960. “A Letter Of Jamshīd Al-Kāshī To His Father: Scientific Research And Personalities At A Fifteenth Century Court”. Orientalia 29: 191-213. Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 722-744. - *
Kennedy, Edward. 1956. “Parallax Theory In Islamic Astronomy”. Isis 47: 33-53.
Reprinted in: Kennedy's "Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences." edited by David A. King and Mary Helen Kennedy. Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1983, pp. 164-184.
Kennedy, Edward. “Treatise V Of Kāshī's Khāqānī Zīj: The Determination Of The Ascendant”. Zeitschrift Für Geschichte Der Arabisch-Islamischen Wissenschaften 10: 123-146.
- http://www.jphogendijk.nl/arabsci/kashi.html
- Datenquelle
- lokaler Datensatz
- Identifizierer
- GND: 118975498
- Bemerkung
- Kāshī, ein äußerst versierter Mathematiker, Astronom und wissenschaftlicher Instrumentenbauer,
beschrieb in persönlichen Briefen an seinen Vater in Kashan (einer Provinz im Iran
nahe Isfahan) die herausragende Rolle, die die mathematischen Wissenschaften in der
Samarqand-Madrasa und im Observatorium spielten.
Arithmetic: Practical/ḥisāb
al-Risālah al-Muḥīṭiyyah , الرسالة المحيطيّة
al-Risālah al-watr wa-al-jayb , الرسالة الوتر والجيب
Miftāḥ al-ḥisāb , مفتاح الحساب
Talkhīṣ al-Miftāḥ , تلخيص المفتاح
Wujūh ʿamal al-ḍarb fī al-takht wa-al-turāb , وجوه العمل الضرب في التخت والتراب
Astronomical Instruments
Risālāh dar sharḥ-i ālāt-i raṣd , رساله در شرح آﻻت رصد
Astronomical Tables/zījes
Zīj al-tashīlāt wa-jadāwil , زيج التسهيلات وجداول
Zīj-i Khāqānī dar takmīl-i Zīj-i Īlkhānī , زيج خاقاني در تكميل زيج إيلخانی
Astronomy: General
Nuzhat [Zubdat] al-ḥadāʾiq , نزهة [زبدة] الحدائق
Astronomy: Practical
Risālah fī maʿrifah samt al-qiblah , رسالة في معرفة سمت القبلة
Astronomy: Theoretical/hayʾaẗ al-ʿālam
Mukhtaṣar dar ʿilm hayʿat , مختصر در علم هیأت
Sullam al-samāʾ fī ḥall al-ishkāl waqaʿa li-mutaqaddimīn fī al-ābʿād wa-al-ajrām , سُلَم السماء في حلّ الشكال وقع للمُتقدّمين في الابعاد والجرام
Fawāʾid maʿrifat taʿdīl mā bayn al-saṭrayn mansūbah ilá Jamshīd wa-Khalīlī wa-Ibn al-Majdī , فوائد معرفة تعديل ما بين السطرين منسوبة إلى جمشيد والخليلي وابن المجدي
- Kāshī, ein äußerst versierter Mathematiker, Astronom und wissenschaftlicher Instrumentenbauer,
beschrieb in persönlichen Briefen an seinen Vater in Kashan (einer Provinz im Iran
nahe Isfahan) die herausragende Rolle, die die mathematischen Wissenschaften in der
Samarqand-Madrasa und im Observatorium spielten.
- Bearbeiter
- ISMI/KJana
- Bearbeitungsstatus
- fertig
- Statische URL
- https://mymssportal.dl.uni-leipzig.de/receive/MyMssPerson_agent_00008478
- MyCoRe ID
- MyMssPerson_agent_00008478 (XML-Ansicht, Zugehörige Handschriften)
- Lizenz Metadata
CC0 1.0 Universell
- Anmerkungen zu diesem Datensatz senden